
Privacy Portal

Our privacy portal give you full visibility of how we collect, use, share and protect your personal information when you use our services and website.

What is GDPR and how does it affect you

M2M Taxi SIMs takes your privacy extremely seriously and adopts many measures to minimise any risks.
Watch this video that explains how GDPR affects you, even if you don’t live in the EU.

Privacy Policy

M2M Taxi SIMs takes your privacy seriously. This policy describes what, why and how we collect and use your personal information, how we protect it and how you can contact us.

Cookie Policy

M2M Taxi SIMs uses cookies and similar technologies. This policy describes the categories of cookies that he uses, what they are used for, and how to change your preferences.

Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions of this website and terms of services offered by M2M Taxi SIMs are important. And should be read carefully before applying for the service they relate to.


Most frequent questions and answers

Privacy is the discipline of handling personal information in a strictly controlled manner, to meet the following objectives:

To be transparent about any personal information that is collected and what it will be used for
To protect the information from accidental or malicious loss, damage, unlawful processing or disclosure for legal GDPR compliance.

Your personal information is important and there are a number of threats associated with the inappropriate disclosure and/or use of your information, including:

Identity theft

To reduce the risks, you must treat your personal information with great care and only disclose it if you feel confident that it will be handled appropriately.

While the safety of your personal information can never be 100% guaranteed, M2M Taxi SIMs take privacy extremely seriously and adopt many measures to minimise the risks.

The objective of the M2M Taxi SIMs Privacy Portal is to provide one place to find all the information you need about how we handle your personal information. Transparency, to make it clear what personal information M2M Taxi SIMs collects and how we use it, what we do to protect it, and how you can contact M2M Taxi SIMs . It’s quick and easy to use, so you can find the information that you are looking for.

There are a number of ways to stop us sending you our newsletters, including:

Via our website clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of one of our emails.
Via our contact centres (see the contact details in The M2M Taxi SIMs privacy policy)

You should also note that:

If you sign up to receive newsletters via more than one email address you will need to unsubscribe for each.


If you have any questions about The M2M Taxi SIMs privacy policy, privacy tools or your cookie settings, please contact us so we can assist you.


You can manage your marketing preferences using our Privacy Tools. In addition you can update your Cookie Settings at any time.

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